"I currently work as the Administrative Coordinator for Dress for Success, helping women stay employed and advance their careers. Our programs offer the necessary tools needed to become self-sufficient through employment retention and career development services.
I have a BA in Art History and a MA in Museum Studies and I have worked in a number of Bay Area museums such as The Museum of the African Diaspora, and the Museum of Craft & Design. And I am still very passionate about the arts and making them accessible for all. I have also worked in education, teaching with AmeriCorps in a school in Oakland before graduate school, and working with a local non-profit focused on arts education.
I practice yoga, go to museums, and have recently become a novice plant person tending to my balcony garden.
I'm excited about working with Sunset Youth Services because it is an invaluable organization to the youth and families of San Francisco. As a native San Franciscan, I know how important SYS is to the community and the city as a whole. I have known about SYS for many years and I have watched them grow and flourish as an organization along with the amazingly talented youth that are part of the SYS family. I am deeply honored to be part of such a dynamic and thoughtful youth organization and I look forward to being part of the future of SYS."