September 30, 2018 - As a member of the Sunset Family Resource Center and other neighborhood coalitions, SYS plays a vital leadership role in the district by engaging residents and local officials in conversations that help shine a light on issues faced by marginalized communities in the region and by fostering collaborative responses.
As a part of this ongoing work and in an effort to help educate community members before the upcoming election, SYS co-hosted a District 4 Supervisor Candidate Forum with the Housing Rights Committee, Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center, Asian Women's Resource Center, Wah Mei School, Faith in Action, and SF Rising.
Executive Director Dawn Stueckle acted as event host and moderated a panel discussion, asking each of the 8 candidates, "How do you plan to support and work with populations that are not heard or seen often (for a variety of reasons) in District 4 and what action or policy would you create to support this?"
Afterward Dawn framed discussion for small group interactions between candidates and residents on 3 key topics:
• Children, Youth and Families
• Housing, Affordability, and Displacement and
• the Needs of Marginalized Communities in the Sunset.
Over 60 members of the community attended and candidates expressed particular thanks for the opportunity to connect with local residents in a creative round table.