In recognition of Black History Month—and in celebration of Black Futures—Supervisor Gordon Mar awarded a Certificate of Honor to Sunset Youth Services on behalf of the Board of Supervisors: "I commend the youth and young adults of Upstar Records a project of Sunset Youth Services, who honor and lift up the accomplishments of youth of color, especially our black youth. Sunset YOUTH Services provides young people opportunities for creative expression, healing, and leadership. Young people like Dina Ro and Dez Mac, who gifted us with their performances of 'Dreams' and 'Don’t Shoot.'
These are artists who speak truth to power, and a vital part of our Sunset community. Thank you, Dina and Dez, and Reuben, Abdiel, Deziree, Christian, Deshawn, Giovanni, Desmond, Chrisdino, Angelo, Kuhron, Kaizhon, and Co-founder Dawn Stueckle for joining us today, and for your light and leadership."